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A. General Statement of Policy

It is the policy of School District #363 to grade study hall activities.

B. Policy Defined

1. Students will be evaluated on a daily basis using the following criteria:

a. Two points for work.

b. Two points for behaving.

c. Two points for being respectful.

2. Students must maintain 80% of their daily points (20 points) a week. Student scores will not be affected by excused absences. This grade will be on the student's report card, but will not affect the cumulative grade point average (GPA).

3. This grade will affect eligibility standing.

4. A discipline referral form will be sent home to parents of students who do not maintain an 80% average in daily points. Students who receive this discipline referral or receive a detention will not be allowed to attend any extra curricular activities as a spectator for one week.

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