Superintendent Jeremy Tammi
Contact Information:
Phone:  (218) 897-5275 ext. 153


I would like to welcome back all of our South Koochiching-Rainy River families to our 2020-2021 school year.  Without stating the obvious, this school year will be different for all of our students, families and staff.  School leaders are doing their very best to provide a learning plan that abides by state and federal Covid-19 guidelines, as well as a plan that supports the community needs. 


The learning plan adopted by our School Board during their August 12th meeting allows both Indus and Northome schools to open in a “hybrid” model.  This decision was based on 14-day case rate Covid-19 data from Koochiching, Beltrami, Itasca and Lake of the Woods counties.  The “hybrid” model means we need to reduce our building and transportation capacity by 50% of the state fire marshal’s code.  With that said, what is unique about our school district is the smaller student population, so we are able to abide by the directives of this model and also allow ALL of our students return to school.  Students of our school district will also have the option to choose distance learning and remain at home.  This will look differently from this past spring as distance learners in grades 7-12 will be required to log in with their devices and take part in their classes remotely, as if they were on campus.  Our elementary age students will have a little different format that will be directed through their teacher and building administration. 


Our district leadership teams spent and will continue to spend many hours planning for this upcoming school year to make it as safe as possible for our students and staff.  We also know that our district surveys sent out to families in July indicate that 70-80% of our families would like their students to attend school on campus starting September 8th.  I ask that our families spend some time reading the back to school plans created for both Northome and Indus schools and make a determination if you would like your student(s) to return to school on campus or choose the distance learning option.  Our students and staff truly need the support from our families and members of the community.  We clearly are in unchartered waters and I please ask for patience, support, and understanding as we do our best to bring some sense of normalcy back to the students of ISD #363.    


If you have questions regarding your school’s back to school plan, please contact your building principal.  You can access the back to school plan on your school’s website listed below.


School Websites or

Northome Principal Ms. Bodem Phone 218-897-5275 Ext 155 (
Indus Principal Ms. Bitter      Phone 218-634-2425 Ext 202 (
District Supt Mr. Tammi        Phone 218-897-5275 Ext 153 (


If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me by phone or email at my office in Northome.


Contact: Jeremy Tammi