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A. Observances

1, The school district, in protecting the rights of individual students, will neither promote a particular religious belief nor allow any student's religious background, faith, belief or non-belief to be disparaged.

2. The district may offer learning experiences to increase awareness and understanding of the various religious belief and practices of people and cultures. Developing appreciation for and knowledge about specific religious belief is acceptable, but actual religious practices, ceremonies, programs, and celebrations shall not be part of the curriculum.

3. The purpose of this policy is "not to suppress individual expression, but rather to foster respect for and understanding of the diverse religious and non-religious beliefs and practices of the people in our society. The public schools are perhaps the only gathering places for children of all backgrounds and beliefs; therefore, the schools have an invaluable opportunity and duty to bring about knowledge and mutual respect." (Quotes are from the MN Department of Education).

4. The following guidelines are to be used in implementing policy:

a. Each of us could do more to assist one another to understand that each person is different in learning style, cultural background, height and weight, and attitude toward the world in which we live. The sharing of art, music, and the understanding of a celebration will enhance our appreciation of one another.

b. Procedurally, each teacher must use common sense and good judgment in determining when religious items (symbols, music or information) are introduced into the school environment. Some questions the teacher (and others in the school who are responsible for creating the educational environment) must ask himself/herself in making judgments are:

i. Does the activity, event, program, etc. relate to an educational objective which has been built into a specific unit or curriculum?

ii. Is the activity, event, program, etc. free of indoctrination?

iii. Does the activity enhance one's better understanding of other people?

iv. Is it necessary for children to absent themselves from class or assembly in order to refrain from participating in a religious program and thereby absent themselves from the opportunity of acquiring the educational objective?

v. Could another activity be used that would achieve the objective, but not create negative stress?

B. Adopted Guidelines

The following guidelines have been adopted from the State Board of Education recommendations from the Curriculum Development Task Force on Religiously Sensitive Customs, Practices, and Policies.

1. Permitted - Customs, Practices, and Policies:

a. Schools may use the Bible or other religious books as source books in teaching about religions.

b. Schools should recognize the multiplicity of explanations related to human origins in their appropriate curricular place.

c. A student has the right to pray at any appropriate time.

d. Schools may offer objective instruction about religion as literature and history and religion's role in the story of civilization.

e. Students are free to recite such documents as the Declaration of Independence which contain references to God.

f. Students may sing the national anthem and other patriotic songs which contain assertions of faith in God.

g. Rhetorical or personal references to religious faith in connection with patriotic or ceremonial occasions are permissible.

h. Students may be excused for sectarian instruction off school premises.

i. It shall be the policy of Independent School District #363 to permit pupils to be released from school attendance to attend religious instruction classes in accordance with MN Statute 120, Subdv. 3. Absence of a pupil from school during school hours for religious instruction to be held outside the school building will be excused upon completion of a written request, signed by the parent/guardian.

ii. The course of religious instruction must be maintained and operated by or under the control of a duly constituted religious body.

iii. Absence from school shall be for the length and time determined by the school administration.

iv. Pupils must be registered for the course and a copy of the registration filed with the respective building principal.

v. Attendance reports by the church shall be filed with the principal for each class session.

i. Schools may excuse a student from engaging in an activity which offends that student's religious belief or conscience.

j. Classroom instruction, where its content is in the area of religious Holy Days or celebrations, should be carefully tied to educational objectives. These educational objectives should be specified in writing and a part of the over-all curriculum of the school.

k. The school calendar, vacations, and holidays may be scheduled on a religious observance of religious Holy Days. When school is scheduled on a religious Holy Day, students shall be excused for observance of the Holy Day upon the request of their parents.

2. Not Permitted - Customs, Practices, and Policies:

a. Schools may not incorporate into its sponsored programs religious worship or indoctrination.

b. School programs may not provide for compulsory reading from the Bible or similar religious documents as part of a non-instructional activity.

c. Schools may not promote or indoctrinate any religion including theism, atheism, agnosticism, humanism, secularism, sectarianism, yoga, transcendental meditation.

d. School officials may not compose, authorize or sanction prayers.

e. Sectarian instruction may not be offered to students in public schools during school hours.

f. Sectarian instruction may not be offered in any school sponsored activity.

g. Official public school musical groups may not participate under the auspices of the public school in religious services.

h. Non-student members of religious groups are not allowed in the school to proselytize or recruit during the school day or during school activities.

i. Official posting or display of religious documents such as the Ten Commandments and other religious symbols except when related to the curriculum is not considered appropriate.

j. Celebration of religious Holy Days and the fostering of a religious spirit is inappropriate in the schools.

k. Public schools should not facilitate/allow the distribution of sectarian literature, including Bibles and religious tracts, in the schools by school staff and non-school persons, unless directly related to the approved curriculum.

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